All Vibes

Blue - Luck

Good Luck & Karma

The Blue Vibes "Evil Eye" is a powerful amulet that means good luck and good karma. Projects positive energies such as creativity, motivation, and commitment. 

Blue Vibes Eye

Red - Strength

Strength & Love

The Red Vibes “Evil Eye” is a powerful amulet that symbolizes protection, strength, courage, and good fortune. It can also represent passion, love, and energy. Red Vibes is a symbol of power and protection.

Red Vibes Eye

Mint Green - Health

Tranquility & Health

The Mint Green Vibes "Evil Eye" is a powerful amulet that symbolizes good health, success, and the ability to achieve dreams. They can also represent personal power and tranquility. 

Mint Green Vibes Eye

Pink - Connections

Stronger Connections

The pink "Evil Eye" is a powerful amulet that can help to attract positive energy and promote healthy relationships with those around us.

Pink Vibes Eye

Smokey - Protection

Negative Energy Protection

The Smoky Vibes "Evil Eye" is a powerful amulet that provides taking away the evil and bad energies.

Smokey Vibes Eye

Dark blue -Peace

Peace & Calm

The Dark Blue Vibes "Evil Eye" is a powerful amulet that protects from bad karma, fate, peace, tranquility, and calm. It also represents wisdom and intuition, helping the wearer navigate life's challenges. 

Dark Blue Vibes Eye

Scarlet - Courage

Courage & Positivity

The Scarlet Vibes "Evil Eye" is a powerful amulet that provides protection, strength, courage, and positivity.

Scarlet Vibes Eye

Turquoise - Balance

Mind, Body, & Spirit

The Turquoise "Evil Eye" is a powerful amulet that blocks negative energy while promoting mental balance, serenity, positive energy, and harmony of body, mind, and spirit.

Turquoise Vibes Eye

Mix - Harmony

Full Harmony

The Mix Vibes "Evil Eye" is a powerful amulet that promotes full harmony of all the Eyes. Luck, balance, harmony, courage, wealth, relationships, balance, and positive energy.

Mix Vibes Eye